Breakthrough Bootcamp

Breakthrough Bootcamp is an immersive 2-month course designed to lift you above your patterns and conditioning and realign you with your calling (your wisest, most generous, most confident inner guidance).

I knew it was gonna be epic, but didn’t know exactly what to expect. It’s almost ridiculous how on point it was for this specific time of my life. I can’t even say how many areas of my life were positively affected by this program.

The structural elements of Bootcamp include:

  • 3 daily habits (which will be disclosed after registration). These habits are the backbone of Breakthrough Bootcamp. They build momentum and provide a baseline for your progress.
  • Weekly live group calls. Each week is a new unit with a new teaching, led either by me or a guest speaker. (BONUS: In addition to this Bootcamp’s guest speakers, you will have access to ALL FOUR of last Bootcamp’s recorded talks by guest speakers—two by Bentinho Massaro, one by Anurag Gupta, and one by Annie Hart).
  • Unlimited private one-on-one coaching with me and my team of new coaches. Each of you will get two 30-minute private coaching calls with me, and unlimited additional coaching calls with the small team of coaches I am personally training.
  • Access to a private Facebook Group with everyone in your Bootcamp. This Facebook Group will contain all of our content and additional content like articles, group conversations and support, spontaneous Facebook Lives by me, etc. You’ll have access to this group as long as Facebook exists.

What previous participants said:

I’ve done a lot of programs in my life and this is in my top 3 epic trainings!

I liked everything about it — the daily practices, the variety of content in the sessions, and all of the sharing. It feels so good to be among people who are committed to growth and to living authentically. And I appreciate Cory’s commitment to it all, and the sense of ease, curiosity, loving attention, wisdom, and confidence that she consistently displayed as our “camp director.”

The calls where off the charts!!! Soooo incredible. An absolute highlight to look forward to every week.

I loved the zoom meetings and felt the connection/inspiration was really nourishing and helpful to keep my motivation fresh. I also loved how the community formed and stayed dynamic. The 1:1 coaching calls with Cory gave extra leverage and empowerment.

I truly LOVED the way Cory led the calls. It felt super personal and relaxed yet densely packed with inspiring information and content. The atmosphere which naturally arose was so captivating. Also the GUEST SPEAKERS were an absolutely amazing treat. Beyond my wildest expectations. I mean, Bentinho is a class on it’s own…. but also Anurag and Annie were absolute treasures. I felt so super appreciative to be able to get to know them in this special context and private group setting.

Breakthrough Bootcamp 2: Registration Closed

Breakthrough Bootcamp 1: Finished

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