Why I Feel Good About Trump’s Election

Here are 5 Perspectives on Donald Trump as the New President of the United States:

As I go through each of them, notice which perspective aligns most closely with yours. Also, I wrote this essay using a strong left/liberal political bias. The underlying message is nonpartisan and should be relevant no matter what you believe. 

Perspective 1:

This country scares me. I don’t even know who these people are—where did these voters come from? Do I see them on a daily basis? What about all the progress we’ve made? All for nothing? I’m over this. It’s depressing. Real question: what’s the point of voting? Of participating? Of making an effort at all? This makes me feel like my voice is meaningless. Like I have no control. None of us do.

Everything is going to shit. This country is crumbling. I’m disheartened and offended. Where did we go so wrong? 

Perspective 2:

Donald Trump? Are you kidding me? That perverted narcissistic imbecile? I’m humiliated by my own country. I’m disgusted. I’m pissed. It’s sickening. We could have chosen between the first woman president of the United States or this revolting dirtbag and we chose him?

The people who voted for him are wrong and incompetent fools. They’re lost or gullible or ignorant. And to the people who didn’t vote at all or voted independent… where is your brain? This is unjust and unfair. He’s a fraud and a racist and a bigot. He didn’t even win the popular vote. Hell no. It’s not over. Let’s take him down, expose him for what he is, and embarrass whoever voted for him. 

Perspective 3:

This is tough. But this is a democracy. We voted for him. My fellow citizens voted for him. He won as fairly as any other candidate might have won. That’s how this works. Hopefully he’ll relax on some of his more extreme ideas now that he’s not campaigning. Plus it’s only 4 years…

So now what? What is the most useful way for me to spend my time and energy? Certainly not by complaining. I’m not interested in getting lost in the drama of this. I’m not going to be a victim and I’m not going to let myself get worked up. What’s here for me to learn? How can I grow from this? How can we handle this responsibly and productively as a nation?

Perspective 4:

What an amazing election. So much stirred up emotion; so much unstuck dirt. So much catalyst. People around me are hurting. Others are livid. Others are shocked. Others are silently glad. Others are euphoric. People are coming face-to-face with their own limiting beliefs; their assumptions that their wellbeing depends on the state of our government. This is an important step. People have to see their own limitations in order to transcend them. Breakdowns lead to breakthroughs…

I want to remind people that they are free of their circumstances. I want to remind people that this is perfect in its own bizarre way. I want to support people as they transition from depression and fury to curiosity and excitement. This is an important time to be of service as people all over the world overcome their triggers and disempowering definitions. What is the most impactful way for me to help? 

Perspective 5:

This is exciting. Transformation is happening. It’s ugly but that’s good news. Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” What better catalyst than this to expedite the creation of a new model? For those who see beyond the surface appearance, this event marks a step in the direction of a new system based on trust and love and sustainability and transparency and unity and freedom. That’s beautiful.

Plus—what if there is more than meets the eye to Trump? What if there is something for me to learn about conservative politics and people who voted for this guy? What if he could inspire me? What if his election is a perfect opportunity for many of us to open our minds and hearts to something bigger, truer, and more inspiring than our echo chambers? What if just by opening up to something I previously resisted, and looking at it with unbiased eyes, I could be investing in and practicing something far more importann and influential that political ideas?

This isn’t about republicans vs. democrats at all. This is about growth and transformation. It’s about divesting our attention from an external system and our opinions about other people, and investing that energy into our own personal empowerment and alignment and clarity.

This is disruptive—but disruptive is good. Catalysts like these force people to reconsider the way they think and live and relate to the world. Yes, of course there will be short-term repercussions. But long-term, this may be one of the climactic events that represents our collective transition to empowered, conscious creators of the world we truly want. 

Here’s how these perspectives work:

Those 5 perspectives are the first 5 of the 7 Levels of Energy outlined in Bruce D. Schneider’s book, Energy Leadership. I only went to 5 because level 6 (flow) and 7 (oneness or “absolute passion”) would not be phased by something like a political election. These levels of energy (or perspectives, or attitudes, or vibrational frequencies) go from lowest to highest— the lower levels correlate literally with lower vibrations, or worse attitudes. Level one (Perspective 1) is the level of victimization. Level two is characterized by anger, three is tolerance, four is service, and five is opportunity.

Each level is a step up from the last. So while anger might not seem productive or useful, it’s better than feeling like a victim. Plus, it’s far easier to improve your energy by moving up through anger, and then through tolerance—than it is to leap directly to service or opportunity.

The lower your level of energy, the worse you feel. The worse you feel, the less capable you are of making decisions. The worse you feel, the less competent you are in general. At lower levels of energy, the thoughts cycling through your mind are self-reinforcing or destructive. When you feel bad, you’re not helping anyone. At low levels of energy, you’re less effective at having the impact you want to have.

The higher your level of energy, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more aligned and energized and clear you are. When you feel clear and confident and aligned, you’re more creative and constructive. You make better, faster decisions. You’re more impactful. The better you feel, the more equipped you are to make a difference in the world. 

If you’re angry about the election, you’re in a less powerful position to make a real difference than you would be if you felt enthusiastic and activated.

It’s in everyone’s best interest, especially yours, to raise your energy.

This entire election process, I’ve been back and forth between Perspective 4 (service) and Perspective 5 (opportunity).

I see the tweets and posts and memes and videos that come from Perspective 1 (victimization), 2 (anger), and 3 (tolerance). I understand these perspectives because I’ve had them many times before and, depending on the topic, still do. I see these levels of energy as little seductive emotional traps. Now, I recognize them quickly and use them as reminders to stop externalizing my experience and to consciously choose a level of energy I prefer.

I feel good about this election because I know better than to feel bad about it. I’ve learned to see service and opportunity where I used to see oppression and ignorance. 

As a result, I have more mental and emotional bandwidth than many of the people around me have right now. I’m not energetically limited to lamenting or resisting what I don’t like. I have access to insights and possibilities and connections that energize me. I feel creative and free. 

Remember this:

All 5 of these perspectives (and higher) are available to you right now. There are only two prerequisites for accessing them:

  1. Know that ALL circumstances are inherently neutral. Everything “out there” is empty and meaningless. The only meaning something has comes from the definition you give to it. The definition or story you have about something comes from and informs how you feel; your attitude; your level of energy. If you insist on the realness of something and refuse to change your definition, you’re depriving yourself and the world from a more enlightened or helpful perspective.
  2. Have a genuine willingness to raise your energy. Once you’re more committed to adding value to the world than you are to wallowing in your own righteousness, try moving up one level. It’s easier than you think.

32 thoughts on “Why I Feel Good About Trump’s Election

  1. Lynn Elliott

    A terrific “map” to lead people to higher levels of energy. I thoroughly enjoy your writing, Cory, and I’m just amazed at the quality and quantity of the ideas you put forward. Brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Zafar

    Perspective 0: Wooo go Trump!!

    Just playing, this is awesome! You are so amazing and talented. I never even considered this viewpoint. It’s funny how people I meet fall nicely into perspectives 2 and 5, myself being around a 3 most of the time. Never though about looking at this in the lens of limiting beliefs coming up. Will keep that in mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Meg

    In awe, yet again, at your amazing talents. You have put into words a “guidebook” to help others struggling with these latest events. This is perfect. I will be forwarding to others I know will benefit from, and appreciate, this insightful perspective. Anything in life that is a struggle is an opportunity to use this and I look forward to putting it to use. Thank you!


  4. Betsy

    Absolutely beautiful! I’ve been in 4 and 5 the whole time too, not knowing it was 4 and 5. 😉 This post is such perfection I’m going to send it to everyone! Thank you! This election has been a total mind opening, heart expanding miracle for me.


  5. Jane

    The first time I read this article, I only could get past the 2nd paragraph , the wording was no of my liking, But someone suggested, I go back an re read it. That the rest of the article was well written so I did, and they where right, I just could not get past the swearing in the first 2.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cory Katuna

      Thanks for telling me that Jane. You’re not the first to give me that feedback.

      I’ve been confronted with that choice a bunch since I’ve started writing, and every time I do a gut a check (so far) it’s to write it like I’d say it. Even if that loses me a few people.

      But my goal is to give more people access to this kind of thinking. So it’s possible I'”” reconsider in future posts.

      Thanks for taking the time.


  6. Hi Jane, Thanks for this thought-provoking post. It’s the first time that I’ve read your writing & I’m really impressed how lucidly you’ve been able to pick this apart energetically within your chosen framework. Great stuff. I’d also add that I’m a reader who finds your use of language (including swearing) an engaging & appropriate description of the very raw & visceral internal & external reactions to what has been happening.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cory Katuna

      did you mean Cory (me)? or Jane (the woman who wrote the comment before you about my swearing?)

      Hehe— either way— thanks for the kudos ❤


  7. Excellent writing. And I agree with with your points. Do you think you could say this to people of color, minorities or the Gay community? After seeing numerous graffiti/personal attacks etc.. I am pretty sure they are not excited as you. Cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cory Katuna


      I would especially say this to people who are experiencing so-called “objective oppression” — or — oppression that is undeniable. Those folks (I suppose that as a woman, I’m somewhat included) have the *most* power to make even bigger ripples when they take responsibility for something that nobody expects them to take responsibility for. This is what MLJK did. He took responsibility for those who discriminated against him. He advocated for non-violence and empathized with his persecutors. Same with Nelson Mandela and Victor E Frankl and Jesus Christ…

      The more ‘victimized’ you are, the more of an opportunity for high-impact transformation you have. The more people you can inspire with your story. The more of a dent you can make in history.

      So whether or not someone is ready to hear this, I would never NOT share this information with underprivileged folks based on my limited assumption that they can’t integrate it yet.

      That would be hugely selfish.


  8. Aimee

    I’ve been moving through my own process of shock and grief in attempting to accept and understand this (I was certainly stuck in the 2nd perspective for quite a while). I understand that this shows how broken our political system is and the loud cry for change, and I particularly enjoyed Charles Eisenstein’s musing on the election. I want to see change, too! (I was an enthusiastic Bernie Sanders supporter.) But I don’t see how you got to this statement: “we are seeing proof that the new model we’ve been building—one based on trust and love and sustainability and transparency and unity and freedom—is taking hold.” Would LOVE to believe that. But I do not see it happening in our political discourse.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Cory Katuna

      Hey Aimee — I hear you. And I agree… from your perspective.

      All levels of energy are “right” in that they’re justifiable and provable. Anyone who feels like the world is crumbling can generate evidence to support that belief.

      Each level of energy is associated with an entire different “timeline” or worldview. You’ll have different thoughts and beliefs about how the stuff works and what direction things are trending depending what level of energy you’re in. You’ll have different stories and different thoughts completely. It’s like an entirely different, parallel Aimee living in each level of energy.

      So of course, if you’re in a level 2 or 3 right now, you won’t be able to compute the story from level 5. It sounds like it’s not based in reality. And from my current perspective, your skepticism feels like delusion. See what I mean?

      I could spend a lot of time trying to convince you of that point you quoted, but that would be a ton of effort; a long back-and-forth discussion, and the truth is I don’t want to convince you of anything. I’m not attached to my “version” of level 5 at all)… What I want is for you to access your own version of level 5— something you have to do independently.


      1. Mary

        This is an very interesting and complex equation.. I’m following. I see all the levels and some angles get commplex…and then again very simple. Really glad Aimee brought up this point and you responded

        Liked by 1 person

  9. This mirrors a lot of trauma recovery work. What I thought was missing – or at least not emphasized – was the timeline. Progression along this path has it’s own pace, and nothing hurts the process more than trying to rush it. There is a lot of pain out there, and we shouldn’t be too quick to move along the perspectives that we end up falling into the same old traps and storing that pain to resurface later.

    I also want to emphasize, myself, that processes like these are nonlinear. We don’t move from one to the next like we progress through grades in school.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cory Katuna

      Hey Dylan — thanks for the comment.

      There’s truth to what you’re saying. Raising your vibration takes time. It’s an underdeveloped muscle for most of the world.

      The more we practice though, the better and faster it gets. Everyone is different, but my preference would be to bust my ass to rise up the levels, fail a lot, try a lot, and know that I’m strengthening that muscle.

      Of course they can be nonlinear. I’m almost completely unfamiliar with level 2 for instance. I seem to just skip anger— always have. But this model is the best I’ve seen for capturing the way the majority of people experience and interpret their circumstances. So while it may not correlate 100% with how folks raise their frequency, it’s useful for almost anyone.


    2. Sukel

      I feel my steuggle has been that I have moved between all five of these levels since the election. In that shot amount of time, that amount of energy pinball has been exhausting in its own wsy. I did liken my feelings to the five stages of grief, which I was already familiar with. This piece adds to my hope. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cory Katuna

        Nice. Thanks for the comment. I think what might be useful for you is to continually remember that everything is inherently neutral and meaningless. That “baseline” or foundation keeps all emotional / energetic / experiential appearances neutral and manageable.


  10. Hi Cory,

    Thank you so much for your 5 perspectives and how they all relate. This is a high perspective and it is greatly appreciated by those of us, including myself who are looking for all the beauty that is in our present moment. I am passing the link to your article onwards!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Marie

    I’m a 60 y.o., been a wise one, an old soul, all my life.
    Please allow me to recognize your old soul and wisdom and bow before your teaching talents. Love to you.


  12. cathytaugh

    I love this article, Cory. The election was heated and tiring to watch, especially towards the end. Since Donald Trump has won, it seems like there many people stuck in Perspective 1 and 2, which is feeling negative. The perspectives are a healing way to look at what happens in our life. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Great post Cory! Just found your blog today and I’m so grateful for your voice in the world! I’m in transition to standing strongly in my own and getting it out into the world … I’m so inspired by you getting your shit together and leading with your heart in such a vulnerable way. Wow!

    This post especially resonated because level 5 is where I landed shortly after the election. What an incredible opportunity we have before us to change the game. I see you doing your work in the world. What you’re doing here by example to help others connect with their purpose, push through the fear of change, and unleash the power of their own voice.

    Thanks for your courage and your love!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: Upgraded and Grateful: I Just Got My First Paid Writing Project and I’m Stoked – Cory Katuna

  15. Pingback: Trusting The Process: Reflections Before Training Begins – Cory Katuna

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